Upcoming Flicks (That Look Super Rad)

"That'll do Pig, that'll do." ________________________________________________________________


All Good Things - December 10, 2010 

Two words...Who-oa. I have to say these are two actors I respect and who consistently deliver great works. I first saw promo for this movie while watching The View (a show I don't frequently frequent) and the explanation of the "true events" which inspired this flick encouraged me to do a bit of digging. The preview is definitely chilling and...well, look for a new addition to See These, Not These soon.

In all honesty, the previous two Narnias have been a disappointment. I guess it's just too difficult to live up to expectations built as a child (thanks BBC Narnias). They are good movies, but I think they had the potential to be great...maybe if they had had Peter Jackson or Guillermo Del Toro at the helm.

The Tempest - December 10, 2010

Not really a Shakespeare fan, I mean, I have no idea what those people are talking about. Although, there have been some GREAT films done which modernized his most famous plays, while staying true to the confusing dialect. Romeo and Juliet (with Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio)  is one of my all-time faves. This film looks like it could be pretty cool too...or a total bust.

The Tourist - December 10, 2010 

Johnny Depp....probably the only reason I'd see this. It looks like an ok movie, but I can be pretty selective when actually paying for movies at the theaters (it's a recession people lol). In all reality, I probably will Netflix this when it's out, but...it's Johnny Depp!

TRON: Legacy - December 17, 2010 

Don't really have high expectations for this movie, but the graphics look like fun. Let's hope I'm pleasantly surprised.

Halle Berry returns to the silver screen with a film that is already triggering Oscar buzz. Frankie and Alice is based on a true story about a young woman dealing with multiple personality syndrome. Now, I personally prefer to steer clear of films involving mentally unstable people (creeps me out)...and The Soloist (starring Jamie Foxx) confirmed my preference is justified (the movie was good though). However, when a preview gives you chills, I think it's a must to go see that film. In addition, Phylicia Rashad joins the cast as Halle's mother (cue over-zealous grinning and applause)...I just love seeing my favorite actors from past hits reappear in the lime light (See Watch These, Not These Page "For Colored Girls"). Below, the trailer!



The Host - 2011

Very excited about this one. Stephanie Meyer (author of the Twilight Saga) made a go at the Sci-Fi genre (and succeeds!) This is a cool story (it's a novel, soon to be a movie), and one I haven't heard before...that I can remember anyways. I've listened to the audiobook for The Host twice now. I'm so excited to see the characters and events brought to life and compare them to how I imagined them (I hope they pick good actors, preferable unknowns I think). Not a lot of info about the flick yet, but I'll update periodically...shoo, I just can't wait for the preview!

The Green Hornet - January 14, 2011

Ummm....I like Seth Rogan...and his side kick is hott...I'll probably go see it. (Don't confuse with The Green Lantern).

Rango - March 4, 2011 

Johnny Depp!! Looks funny!!

Jane Eyre - March 11, 2011

This is not what I would have expected. Granted I don't know a lot about the story either.  And I'm not the biggest fan of this era, but there are several stories with a strong female character, sort of breaking the mold, and I love those stories! The title character is played by the same young girl, Mia Wasikowski, who played Alice in the recent Alice in Wonderland (with Johnny Depp!!) and she's quite good. Also, Judi Dench is one of the best actors we have right now...this movie should be excellent!

Red Riding Hood - March 11, 2011

Love darker takes on childhood favorites! The actress chosen to play Red, eh, not so sure about. But I haven't seen her in a lot of things either (just Mean Girls actually). It's directed by Catherine Hardwick, who also lead the first Twilight film. And, um, Gary Oldman?? I loooooove him! He's great, ever since I saw The Fifth Element...I'll see pretty much any movie with him.

Sucker Punch - March 25, 2011

Thor - May 6, 2011 

Oh boy, Oh boy!! SO, excited for this movie! I love this series, it's grrrrreat!!!!

The Hangover II - May 27, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2 - May 27, 2011  

X-Men: First Class - June 3, 2011

The Green Lantern - June 17, 2011

Cars 2 - June 24, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens -  July 29, 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 1) - November 2011



The Hobbit (Part 1) - November 2012 

The Brothers Grimm: Snow White - 2012 



The Hobbit (Part 2) - December 2013

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