Friday, December 31, 2010

Dichotomy of Perfection

Wrapping up watching 300, with air-brushed 6-packs and rippling pectorals on the brain, the thought occurred to guys today feel the same pressure to be "perfect" like celebrities and the characters the portrayed in movies? I know women are definitely affected by society's definition of beauty, and, for better or worse, many manipulate their lifestyles to emulate those society dubs as beautiful. After all, through the majority of history it has been the woman's responsibility to look and act appealing to men. Yes, there was the occasional exception who were blessed with a higher purpose: Queen Elizabeth, Mother Mary...but you can't deny reality. This obligation still rings true today, while many of us are able to have careers and make our own way, the basic fact remains ya gotta be desirable in some way to some man to get a man...and if you don't want just any man, ya gotta put in a little extra effort...which can mean dabbing on some blush and lip gloss or spending thousands to reconstruct your face. I feel the pressure myself...which mainly encourages me to go to the gym (which I choose to ignore)...oh and I rarely leave the house without at least some mascara :-)

But back to the guys feel the same pressure as we women do? To look "perfect"? I don't know the answer to that...but there is evidence to both sides of the argument. The world has its fair share of beer bellies and receding hair well as gyms over flowing with juice heads...and a fair number of tanning salons too...But probably while men feel pressure to look good, from what they see in movies and on TV, just like women, the pressure is probably more on their making money...cuz, well that's historically the role of the man right? Provide for and protect their family. And, all else equal, an ugly millionaire probably has as good of a chance (if not better) as some hott artiste with no money...Women may deny this, but it's the truth. Money means security for them and their children (the next requirement). If women have these both under control, then maybe the artiste's odds go up. :shrug: but who wants some leach...milking you for all you've worked for? An effort that was probably larger than that of a man of equal rank....buuuuuut I s'pose that's another blog for another time.

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