Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Pity the Fool Who Doesn't Buy a Flavor Wave

Forced to watch home shopping channels today, because nothing worth anything is on TV on Sunday afternoon, I found myself watching the scripted enthusiasm of Mr. T and a random Stepford Wife. What exactly were they selling? The Flavor-Wave, a glass bowl that cooks frozen solid steak, corn cob and potato in 16 minutes. Cue skepticism.

Ok, so there is a bit more to this cooker than just a glass bowl. It's actually a combination of halogen heating (for browning) and infrared waves (to cook food inside out) an "tornado-like" airflow. Check out the YouTube magic below! 

Yes for 3 easy payments of $39.95, this technology can be yours! Is it weird that I really really want one? How cool is this thing? I'm still skeptical, but how else can I be sure of its awesomeness (or complete falsity!) other than purchasing it? Honestly, I think part of the allure is the deception that I will actually cook things like Cornish hens or stuffed crab....But I might...with the Flavor-Wave!

In all reality...I will not buy this $120 microwave...yet. I was advised to put it on my wish list, composed of everything I can't afford at the moment on a student's salary. Then when I have that disposable income and can afford purchases like gold-plated toilets....yes, that's when the Flavor-Wave shall be mine! Cheers. For those with that disposable income (or high credit limits) check out the Flavor-Wave HERE!

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