Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I was there for the whole South Park Ginger episode (funny), but I must have missed all the subsequent YouTube events (funnier). For those of you who are also behind the curve, here's a crash course...along with some commentary from me! And according to my mother, to black people I'd be considered a ginger....sooooo any would-be guilt is minimal....

First we have the speech that started it all. It's episode 11 from season 9 entitled "Gingervitus". You can find the whole episode on the South Park website (or Netflix).
So, perusing Facebook's newsfeed, I found a video posted (that I won't post just yet) which led me on this video-binge. The next video is from an angry ginger, maybe he needs a hug.

I think my favorite part is the turkey gobble around 0:45. I'm cool with him standing up for gingers all over the world, but really this video makes him look like an idiot. And I kinda see why he was teased. Next up? Someone made a song! I love singing....

Not quite up to par with The Gregory Brothers, but it's kinda catchy....Now...South Park got wind of Mr. CopperCab (who's actually found a little YouTube fame) and presented us with this video below.

Don't people know saying all...just adds fuel to the South Park fire?? Something interesting I read on one of the video comment list: "ginger" is an anagram for another not-so-nice word...know what it is? And does that say anything about South Park? or is it just a coincidence? And have silly little kids taken this ginger thing too far?

and this one...

I think kids are a little hyper-sensitive these days and choose drastic measures for escaping being taunted. But is being called a ginger that big of a deal or are there bigger problems kids are dealing with around the starvation...or leukemia....And can we blame South Park or is it the parents and teachers of the kids doing the kicking who should be scolded and sued?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

An "Even Better" Face

Like (almost) every female today, I am in a constant tug-of-war with my skin. If you have been living under a rock, or some gorilla utopia in the middle of a jungle somewhere south of the Bermuda Triangle.....females have an innate ability to find many imperfections in ourselves, skin is definitely at the top of the list for many, it is for me anyways. And while I am very fluent in the art of self-imperfection locating, I don't typically share this with anyone who doesn't go by the name of Mom. But, for the sake of this blog, what the heck!

Clinique, we've had an on-again, off-again relationship for many years, mostly because well, Clinique is too dang expensive!! But after a recent accosting by my own skin this summer/early fall, probably due to my own ignorance of effective care, I have decided I need to just bite the financial bullet and buy the stuff, because let's be honest people, it works. Just a side note for equally ignorant people as myself, don't use face wash with micro-beads if you have acne, it will NOT scrub them actually makes it worse, like a lot worse AND (the reason for this blog) causes scarring.

So, back to Clinique, their 3-step skin care system kicks butt, especially the acne version! Seriously, I've noticed dramatic results. And seeing the blemishes gradually disappearing is only shadowed by the revealing of the scars left behind. It was like a light-bulb just clicked on...on my face! My "problem areas" aren't really problem areas, but instead problem areas that used to be problem areas...understand? Areas, that once were blemishy, but not really anymore, but have been permanently damaged from it...ugh!

So, I've seen commercials about Clinique's Even Better Dark Spot Corrector, supposedly it will lighten spots on your face (from various causes) in 12 weeks equal to that of a prescription version (with visual results in 4 weeks). I thought about buying it, but the $50 price tag convinced me otherwise! But, after a call with my mom, who didn't know I was mulling it over, suggested a similar product for the same reason and I was like: Confirmation!

Today, after ensuring the serum won't erase my freckles, I bought a bottle (and some of their sunscreen, which they claim is a vital step! Hmf, we'll see.) Hopefully, the next blog concerning skin will begin with "Hi my name is Veronica, and I've been clean for 12 months!)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello Blog World...Again

Having lost count of the number of blogs I've created and subsequently abandoned, I've dubbed this blog Neo aka "The One". I feel like I might actually stick with this one, well at least I've put in a bit more effort than previous versions. But as some inventor or smart person said once, "...I've failed 8 gazillion times, but all it took was one success...", or something like that. I'm hoping this one will be that 'once', and if not, there's always the next one. So, you can tag along for the brief or maybe not so brief journey of "This One".

Oh, topics which you may find within? Enlightening jibber-jabber, as well as the occasional rant and soapbox appearance. Also, things I think are super cool and movies (I love movies)...lots and lots of movies!

Alright, that's all...